Mississippi Mojo, and Murder: Tale of the Blues
A sixty-year-old cold case and a big city sheriff seeking redemption—it’s time for the dead to rise. A thwarted youthful romance blends with the blues and Mama Cheche’s mojo. Controversy ensues when a blues singer groom goes missing in Cleveland, Mississippi. All becomes a tangled web.
Devilry In The Delta: A Mississippi Mojo Thriller
The followup to the highly successful Previous works of the authors.
About the Authors
Mary S. Palmer has a BA (Cum Laude) in English from the University of South Alabama. Her Master’s Degree is also in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She teaches English at Faulkner University and is a member of the adjunct faculty at Huntingdon College. A native of Mobile, Alabama, she taught at Faulkner State Community College in Fairhope, Alabama many years.
She has published fifteen books, three plays, and numerous poems. Boyington Oak: A Grave Injustice was released in November 2019; Tourism Writing – A New Literary Genre Unveiling the History, Mystery, and Economy of Places and Events, was written with a grant from Faulkner University.
Palmer’s short story The Concrete Block Wall won the Hackney Award in 2016. That story is featured in her book Commas for Soul Searchers. She loves to travel and uses those experiences in her writings.
The author, Paula Lenor Webb, has a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Alabama. She is a tenured Librarian at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. Ms. Webb has always enjoyed research and documented her local history findings in her first book, Mobile Under Siege: Surviving the Union Blockade, in 2016. She has continued pursuing this avenue of research with her book, Such a Woman: The Life of Octavia Walton LeVert. Paula co-authored the book Mississippi Mojo…and Murder: Tale of the Blues with Mary S. Palmer. Mary & Paula teamed up again to write the newly released sequel to Mississippi Mojo, Devilry in the Delta.